The Bennington Landscape Project

From Start to Finish

Design and Drawings
While working with the design of the house and the neighboring homes, we came up with a plan to incorporate the feel of the neighborhood while water consumption by 50%.

We applied for the bewaterwise turf removal rebate. 
This is a Southern California rebate, but your area might have a similar rebate.
Note, you must wait for approval before starting your project.  Once you receive approval you have 6 months to complete, so start the process early.

The home originally had approx. 2,000 sq feet of turf and a lot of water thirsty plants. 
While some of the planters had been already converted to succulents, there was still a lot of room for improvement.

We then applied weed killer to the lawn area, which took a few applications to kill the last weed.   After applying the week killer to the turf, you want to keep watering it so the roots will die also.  This was about a month process. 

After all the dead turf was removed and the trees trimmed and one removed, 3 truckloads of universal blend soil total of 23 yards was dropped off from Agromin.  After 8 hours and two workers, the three large piles of dirt was spread out onto the areas where the succulent garden will be installed.

Next was a trip to Carlsons Building Materials

Boulder Delivery!  The delivery man was nice enough to place all 2 dozen boulders for me!
I gave him a nice tip :)

Boulders delivered and all placed!

All the 500 new plants have been planted.
Just have to rework the older succulent areas on either side of the driveway.

After one day at it's new home, this cactus rewarded us with a beautiful bloom!

  Received the remaining rock we needed.
Now we just need to find some help!

Starting to add some of the design details

Found some helpers.  I take them at any age!
They especially enjoy separating out some of the piles that got mixed up with the burgundy, black and gold rock.

We were lucky enough to have 11 workers on Sunday.
Got all the rock put in place, just ran out of  the burgundy lava and had to order more.

The sod has arrived!

Two thousand square feet of sod installed today.

After a hard days work.  Finished and cleaned up!

After a few more hours and a bit more rock, we are 99% done.
Will we ever be completely done????


Please post a message and let us know what you think..............

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